
Finding The Right Person to Teach The RWS Curriculum is VERY IMPORTANT

This is a huge concern for many rink owners across the United States.  Many owners are saying, “Now that I’ve bought the curriculum – Who am I going to get to teach this?  Do I need someone with a teaching background?  What if I can’t find someone with a teaching background? Where do I start my search? How would I conduct the interview?”

When starting something new there will, of course, be some anxiety.  However, don’t let the anxiety stop you.  If you stick with it, an educational program will be very rewarding for both you and your rink.  Don’t focus on the mountain. Instead put your focus and energy into finding the right person to teach this curriculum.  When you purchase a RWS curriculum I will give you helpful tools and suggestions to guide you in the right direction to find that right person.



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