
RWS Presentation 3

There is 20 years of experience packed into each RWS Presentation.  I take pride in every slide and every visusal, so that you can have confidence in knowing that your rink will create a unique educational experience that will produce authentic learning.  Each RWS Presentation is jam-packed with multiple visual, auditory, and hands-on experiments to create a lasting and valuable educational experience.  This presentation speaks to the different learning styles of the different students.

There are two ways to control your own RWS Presentation. There is only one presentation on each DVD. Once you put it into your DVD player the presentation will begin. The presentation is in a “movie” format. To control the presentation you simply pause on the slide of the subject you’re teaching about, then play to advance to the next slide. Each slide might have a number of builds (Be sure and look at the “Slide Map” of each presentation) There will be a few slides in each presentation that have either music or a video. Your teacher must become familiar with the RWS Presentation for the presentation to flow naturally before they present it to a live audience. This is also the reason that I have the slide and builds mixed in with the script of each presentation.

The presentation was produced using the Keynote application for Apple Computers. If you have a Mac laptop computer, at your request, I will send you the Keynote presentation from which the software was created.

On the website, I will be creating some videos to address how to be more effective at video projection and the many ways you can control your RWS Presentation.


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3 thoughts on “RWS Presentation

    • Glenn Little Post author

      Hello Joe,

      I know summer is a busy time. I just wanted to check in with you and see if you recieved an email I sent last month. It might have gone into your spam folder because it was sent not from rollingwithscience but the email was sent using my “” address. Sorry for any confusion. If you have any questions or if you would like to set up a time to chat feel free to email or call me. Just to remind you of what Rolling With Science can offer CalSkate check out the discription below. 

      Creating Quality Affordable Educational/STEM Programs

      Time tested experience is committed to creating a quality interactive yet affordable educational experience at local skating rinks. Each curriculum is designed around the framework of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics aka STEM. Along with creating dynamic Educational/STEM programs, will soon be offering rink owners STEAM Spring Break and Summer Camps. The “A” stands for the ARTS. Summer Campers will learn how Creative Arts play an very important role in STEM. Educational/STEM Curricula $500. NO hidden fees, royalties, or percentage required.

      Also, if you have a chance watch the first 17 minutes of the curriculum as I presented it to 150 4th graders a month ago.