There is 20 years of experience packed into each RWS Presentation. I take pride in every slide and every visusal, so that you can have confidence in knowing that your rink will create a unique educational experience that will produce authentic learning. Each RWS Presentation is jam-packed with multiple visual, […]
RWS Presentation

This is a huge concern for many rink owners across the United States. Many owners are saying, “Now that I’ve bought the curriculum – Who am I going to get to teach this? Do I need someone with a teaching background? What if I can’t find someone with a teaching […]
Finding The Right Person to Teach The RWS Curriculum is ...

In the movie, Field of Dreams, a voice beckoned the main character to build a baseball field. The voice whispered, “If you build it, they will come.” After pondering this idea, fueled by his passion for the game of baseball, he did build “it”, a baseball field. His field […]
Creating an Educational Foundation to Build Your STEM Program ...

Rolling With Science: Featured Teacher Christopher Lowe Bowling Ball Experiment